Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Every year most of us attempt to make resolutions for the new year only to forget about them somewhere along the way because we either give up or just get too busy and distracted to focus on them. I, myself do this year after year. And as disheartening as it may be to get to the end of yet another year not having accomplished the majority of the goals I had outlined for myself, I never give up hope and continue to re-up every year and try again. I'm relentless and persistent...and I guess that's a good thing!

But, this year I've decided to change things up a bit. I'm still going to make just sort of have to...its tradition! But I'm going to try and make them a little bit different this time. Instead of a long list of goals that I want to acheive...I've decided to instead make resolutions that are about defining a way of traveling through life this coming year. I realized that the results we often desire can only really come when you change your way of being and thinking. So instead of focusing on the end results that I want to see, I figure that it would be better to focus on the things I need to change on the inside so that I'm where I need to be mentally, spiritually, and emotionally....and that's when I will be truly ready to receive the things that I want...and that is when they will be mine.

So...with all of that resolutions this year are:

1) Truth - To live my life from a place of truth and honesty...first and foremost with myself...but also in how I interact with others.

2) Love - To love love see others actions and words from a place of surround myself with love...and to welcome love in all forms into my life.

3) Kindness - To be kind to myself...because I have often forgotten to do just that...and then...starting from that place...I can begin to extend that kindness to those around me.

4) Time - To take my time...stop rushing...learn to sit with my thoughts and my feelings...enjoy the ride with all its ups and downs and detours...and not be in such a hurry to get to the finish line.

5) Fun - To enjoy every day...find the enjoyment and laughter in everything I do...and celebrate each moment for the gift that it is.

6) Motherhood - To realize every moment of every day how blessed I am to be the mother of the most amazing little girl...and to strive each day to do the best job I can of being her be a good role model for her...and make sure she knows that she is loved and that her dreams and opportunities in life are limitless.

7) Work - To up the level of focus, dedication and excellence in my the big tasks...and the small...and to always remember the greater purpose in the work that I do.

8) Goals - To make sure that I have clear and defined goals that I'm working towards and that I stay focused on them...but at the same not to let the acheivement of those goals overshadow my ability to enjoy the journey on my way to them.

9) Trust - To trust myself and remember that I am capable of making good choices. If I am living my other resolutions of truth, love, kindness, time, etc...then I will be in the space I need to be able to make good decisions for me and those I love...and I need to do a better job of trusting myself in that process.

10) Faith - To bring faith back into my life. To once again believe in something divine...whatever it might be. To have faith that good things can and will happen to me. And to believe that I am worthy of having those things.

I know that keeping these concepts and thoughts front of to day...moment to moment...will not be easy. I know that I will constantly have to remind myself...reposition myself...forgive myself for the slip ups...etc. But that's ok. Again...its about the journey...and what matters is that I'm moving forward and in the right direction and doing the best job that I can do from moment to moment...and then when there is a slip up...that I acknowledge it...forgive myself...let it go...and get back to my journey. And while I'm on the stay open to all the good things life has coming my way. we all start out on our 2011 journeys...I wish everyone a healthy and happy new year...and may all your dreams and wishes come true.

Much love... progress. (VIP)

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