Friday, October 26, 2012

And then there was Cancer...

I'm sure we have all been there. Or know someone who has been there. 

You're just going along, living your life, thinking we have all the time in the world to figure it all out. And then suddenly...there is Cancer. You or someone you love finds out that they have Cancer. And life is never the same again.

I have known many people that have died of cancer. Many of them were old when they were diagnosed so even though it was a shock, unexpected, tragic and difficult there is still a sense of 'they lived a good life' which helps you cope with everything a bit better. I have also known many people who have survived cancer. Mainly, breast cancer. And while the battle wasn't easy and some are still in the midst of the battle there is a light at the end of the tunnel for them.

But never have I been hit by cancer as hard as it has hit me this time. As many of you know a few weeks ago a very dear cousin of mine (44 year old non-smoker) was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer (Non-Small Cell Adenocarcinoma). Look it up.  It's pretty serious stuff and the outlook is not good.

Now, before I continue I just want to say that I am very well aware that this illness is about HIM and his family and not about me. But because I cannot even begin to understand what this feels like from their perspective nor can I speak for him or his family I am sharing MY story, from my perspective as someone that loves him and cares about him and his family very much.

When I heard the news I was in shock...devastated...confused....sad....scared...worried...etc. I didn't even know what to feel. The same thoughts kept running through my mind - it can't be, he's too young, how can this happen, what does this mean, what is he going to do, etc.  And then came that other thought. The one I didnt want to think.  The thought of - what do I do?

The fact of the matter is I hadn't really seen or talked to my cousin in a long time. I loved him dearly and he has always been one of my favorite people in the whole world. But as life took its turns and I got all wrapped up in the dramas of my life, time went by and we lost touch. And so here we this situation. And how can I reach out to him now when I havent talked to him in so long? How can I step in and be there for him when I havent been there all this time? I was so angry at myself and consumed with guilt.

I have lost a lot of people in my life starting at a very young age. And for as bad as that is it had always taught me a very important thing - we dont know how long we have with the people we love so always show the people you love that they are important to you.  And I have always tried my best to do just that.  But somewhere along the way I got lost and forgot it. Somewhere along the way I got sidetracked by the events of my life and seperated myself from many of the things and people that were important to me. I kind of know why it happened and I could sit here and make a million excuses for it. And they are good excuses. But still excuses. The fact is I let myself lose sight of what was important and put my energy into things that weren't.  And confronted with the reality of this situation that reality is hitting me like a ton of bricks. So now...not only do I have to deal with my feelings about what my cousin is going through but I also have to deal with my own feelings of guilt for not having let him know all this time how important he was to me.

My philosphy has always been that the only way to undo a wrong is to replace it with a right. I couldnt go back and redo the time I had lost with him but I could start now and make sure he knew how much I love much I have always loved him...and how much I will always love him. So I did just that. I'll never forget that first day I went to see him at the hospital. I was excited to see him but also scared. Scared because I wasnt sure what his state of mind was and what attitude he had about his illness. I was also scared because of my guilt. I felt that maybe he and his family would wonder why I was there. Why now? But regardless, I knew going was the right thing and so I went.

INSTANTLY I was reminded why I loved him so much and why he has always been one of my favorite people. First of all, there he was...laying down in pain dealing with this illness...and cracking jokes...being positive...and telling me how much he loved me and how happy he was that I was there. In an instant I was reminded what a beautiful, positive person he is and that we had a special connection that transcended whatever amount of time might have passed since we last saw each other.  I went to visit him that day trying to figure out how I was going to help lift his spirits and within minutes he had lifted mine. He's that awesome.

Since that day a lot has happened. My cousin is a warrior. He knows the road ahead is long and difficult but he has vowed to fight with everything in him every step of the way and to appreciate every day to the fullest extent. He is an such an inspiration and I am lucky to be a part of his family and honored to be able to support him along his journey. And I truly believe that if there is anyone on the face of the earth that can beat Cancer it's this guy. I put ALL my money on him.

But this blog isnt really about his cancer.  That journey has just begun and there will be alot to say down the line as we continue down the road of treatment and healing. This blog isnt really about my issues of guilt either.  The point is what the combination of those two things has given me and what I hope I can pass on to you through this blog.

You see, I'm not the kind of person that necessarily believes that everything happens for a reason. I think sometimes crappy stuff just happens. But I do believe that there is something to be learned in everything that happens. And when we fail to learn the lesson we dishonor what happened. I have thought long and hard about what I have learned and am still learning through this. And the learning is still in progress (as are we) but here is where I am:

  • The small stuff doesnt matter. It never matters. It REALLY doesnt matter. So just let it go. I know it is not always easy and I'm not always going to get it right. But one of my new daily practices is to do a better job of putting life in its proper perspective and just not letting myself get stuck in the small stuff. Life is bigger than that.
  • Focus on what is important. This of course is the opposite of the previous thought. Basically, we often don't have time for what is important to us because we are focused on the 'oh so not important in the grand scheme of life' things. And that's just not right. We have to make sure we give the proper attention to the proper things.
  • Don't waste your time and life on people that don't matter or make you feel good. I can't even begin to tell you how much time and energy I have wasted on people that weren't worthy of me. There is absolutely no reason to every allow this to happen. So just don't.
  • Show people that you love them NOW! I so wish that instead of wasting time on people that didnt matter I had been investing that time in my cousin and others I love. Make sure your energy is invested where your love is.
  • Tomorrow is not promised to anyone so life fully NOW.  Don't wait until you have enough money, loose enough weight, or whatever other thing you are waiting for.  Live each moment to the fullest NOW! Now is all we have.
  • In order to live life to the fullest you must express yourself fully. For so long I held back on fully expressing myself for fear of what some people might think (you know those people who I now realize don't really matter). But with everything that has happened with my cousin I've just realized that I really dont care what anyone thinks. I want to make sure that I don't reach the end of my life feeling like I left anything unexpressed. I want to have put all my cards on the table and played the hell out of them.
  • And last...but not least...just be happy.  We can always find a million things that will annoy us or frustrate us or whatever. Or...we can literally...RIGHT NOW...just be happy.  Yes there may be things in our lives that are not perfect...but just be happy anyway.  Little by little start focusing on what you do have and what is good about your life and the more you focus on those things the better things will be.  Trust me. It works.
My cousin is fighting for his life. But he wakes up every day smiling, appreciating the love around him, basking in the beauty of each passing day, and expressing his love to everyone he can. The truth is he has always been that kind of guy. He never sweat the small stuff. And he always gave the best of himself to everything and everyone around him. But now, in the midst of his illness, when he would have every right to be angry and discouraged he does just the opposite. He appreciates his life even more. He sweats the small stuff even less. He is my hero. He inspires me so much.  And he has changed me in these past few weeks more than he can even begin to understand.

Please dont wait for something like this to happen in your life for you to take stock of where you are. Are you focused on who and what is important? Do the people you love know you love them? Are you living your life to the fullest? Are you happy? If you have something you need to change, change it now. Don't wait. Please.

And I can't end this blog without leaving you with a personal request. If you believe in prayer, please pray for my cousin. Please pray for everyone who is struggling with an illness. Please pray for everyone that is going through a tough time in their life. Offer your prayers and send them love. It makes a difference.

AND...if you can find it in your heart to give a gift to help my cousin and his family please visit:

We've built him an Army of  Angels...some that know him and many that don't but have been touched by his story and inspired by his journey. I hope that you choose to be an Angel for Ernie too. 

But either way....thank you for listening to our story.

Much love, progress. (VIP)

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