Friday, November 26, 2010

Counting My Blessings...

It's always good to stop every once in a while and count your blessings.  Sometimes we get caught up in the day to day complexities of life and forget to stop and smell the roses and realize that there is plenty to be thankful matter what!  And what better time to stop...smell the roses...and count your blessings than Thanksgiving?!?! it goes...

I am thankful for:
  • My mental and physical health - This is first and foremost to me because if not for this I would not be able to do and have so many other blessings in my life.
  • My daughter - I can't even say enough about how special my daughter is and how honored I am to be her mother.  Since the moment she came into the world she has been teaching me about who I am and who I want to be and constantly reminding me about what is truly important in life.  She has brought a meaning to my life that I couldn't even think possible before knowing her.  I love you Emily!
  • My family - As crazy as they may make me sometimes I love and appreciate my family more than they will ever understand.  They are the most supportive, loving, helpful and patient bunch of people and I dont know what I would do without them.  A big huge thanks to them for all they have done for me (and will do...because it isnt' over yet! lol)
  • My friends - I have the most amazing and diverse group of friends that keep my life interesting, exciting and fun!  From the old school NY the new...the homeroomies...the Healthers...and countless others that I won't mention by name in this public forum...but they know who they are!  Life would be quite boring without all of you...and who would listen to all of my stories!?!?! lol... Love you guys!
  • My job - I have been blessed enough to work with an amazing organization for the past 13 years that allows me to make a difference in the world.  I am also lucky enough to work side by side with people I consider to be my second family.  I am so grateful to be a part of such an awesome team doing such amazing work!  Thanks to the 'higher ups' for allowing me this opportunity!
  • My daughter's father - As crazy as it may sound...that experience taught me so much about myself and about life...I now know what rock bottom looks like and try my best to not look down on people because I may not know or understand what they are going through...I now know what it feels like to have your choices judged by your friends, be ostracized and feel utterly alone because you can't talk to anyone...I now know myself at a level deeper than I could have ever imagined and after being broken open and building myself back up I now know that I am indestructable. the process...I walked away with an amazing gift which is my well as new friends that I consider family!
  • The extras - There are so many 'extras' in life that we dont even notice or appreciate but they are the icing on the cake that make life more beatiful and yummy!  Simple things like going to the movies, shopping at the store, taking my daughter to swimming and dancing class, driving in your car singing at the top of your lungs, special moments with family, friends or even strangers, laughing until your stomach hurts...and the list goes on and on.
  • Life's Surprises - Every once in a while life will step up and surprise you with a wonderful unexpected surprise that turns your life a little bit upside a good way...and you have to be able to seize the moment and enjoy the ride! So, thank you to a certain someone who has turned life a little bit upside down for me...and makes me feel like smiling!
I'm sure there are a million other things that I could list but I have to end it all those things mentioned above and those that are too countless to count...I am thankful! And for all the new blessings coming my way that are only just beginning to sprout...I am thankful!

I would love to hear what you are thankful for if you want to share!

Much love... progress. (VIP)

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